At the top menu of left sidebar is Dashboard. There are several view port in dashboard. we can see the number of students, teachers and staff etc. at a glance. Summary of the Income and Expenses is very important for ERP system. After login a user can see the update for that day.
From dashboard a user can easily return to own website home page.
Reports section is very important in this School Management ERP. You can go to report section from all over the system.
SGSIS delivered to you equiped with diffrent languages : English, Arabic (RTL), French, Dutch, German, Hindi, Italian, Turkish,Russian, Spanish & Portuguse etc. You can also add laguage with your own customization.
If Administrators or Teachers set any task for student, then it will automaticaly send notifications to Teachers, Students (All students or specify class's students) and parents also you can track sent messages .
The user can see their profile, change their existing password. Logout button at the bottom of this profile section.
The user can see their profile, change their existing password. Logout button at the bottom of this profile section.
At the top menu of left sidebar is Dashboard. There are several view port in dashboard. we can see the number of students, teachers and staff etc. at a glance. Summary of the Income and Expenses is very important for ERP system. After login a user can see the update for that day.
Super Admin can add admission query.In the admission query all the details information of query should have to submit.
Admission query can be searched through certain date to date, information source and which are active or not.
In the actions option,if super admin wants, he can add next follow up query,edit and delete of a particular query.
If needed several follow up admission query can be added.That will be also listed in the follow up list and if he will want, he can delete it.
For store how much visitors visit everyday and their information, super admin can add their detail information and that is shown in the visitor list.
In the visitor list, edit, delete and download visitor information is possible.
If anyone complain that can be listed by adding the complaint. Complaint includes who complains, which type of complaint is it etc.
In the complaint list several actions are included which are view the complaint details, edit and delete.
Super admin can add which postal are received. Here includes postal comes from and where it will go and several things.
Super admin can edit, delete and download the postal receive information.
The postal where will go, it can be added by super admin. Sender and receiver information are includes here.
Super admin can edit, delete and download the postal dispatch information.
Super admin can able to add the phone call log. In this call log, All incoming, outgoing and it's call duration, date, next follow up date and all the details information are included.
Super admin can edit, delete the phone call log information.
In the admin setup, super admin can add different criteria which are sorted by their type. The types are source, purpose, complaint type, reference.
The data list can be deleted and edited by super admin.
Super admin can add student certificate. Certificate name and background image is mandatory field in this section.
The Student Certificate list can be viewed, deleted and edited by super admin.
To search student list, super admin should have to select class name, section name and which certificate he wants to generate.
To add student id card, id card title, logo of institution, designation of the person whom id card will generate, signature of the person is must needed to include.
The Student id card list can be viewed, deleted and edited by super admin.
To search student list, super admin should have to select class name, section name and which id card he wants to generate.
Upload Institution logo
After uploading Institution logo it will publish
Summary of General Settings View
You can update General Settings according to your institution
You can change currency as your demand. All kind of currency is available in this system.
You can choose language as your demand. If your language is not available, the you have to add language into your system from "system-setting>language-settings". After adding language, it is required to setup and then you have to make it default.
PayPal and Stripe payment method implemented. You can configuration one of them.
To enabling online payment in Parent Panel and Student Panel update your payment gateway account details for this, go to System Settings > Payment Methods select your appropriate payment gateway and add you payment gateway account details then click on save button and enable it from right side box.
The administrator can switch within payment method
Stripe is the premier option for online credit card processing; it’s also the most popular premium payment gateway for Easy Digital Downloads – and it’s our preferred option!
Adding Stripe To Your Create Account. You will need to add Stripe as a payment gateway option to your Create account.
Testing Stripe With Your Create Website
The administrator can add role and assign their permission
The administrator can edit or delete role and assign their permission
The administrator can assign their permission
Roles Permissions- Go to System Settings > Roles Permissions here we can create different Roles for staff users and then assign different user permission to this Role. To add new role enter Role Name then click on Save button all existing roles can be see from right side of this page. By default in SGSIS School you will get 6 user roles SuperAdmin, Admin, Teacher, Accountant, Librarian, Receptionist. You can edit name or permission of these roles except SuperAdmin. To assign permission click on Assign Permission button from Action column. At this page you can see Module wise different Features and their different Permissions. Carefully assign different permissions on roles. After assigning permission, check where it is effecting in system. There are 4 types of permissions present here View, Add, Edit and Delete. Here note that if you are assigning Add/Edit or Delete permission then View permission should be given obviously if you have not given View permission then system can behave inconsistent so in best practice if you are giving Add/Edit/Delete any one permission then give View permission too.
Administrator can add gender, religion, and blood group.
Administrator can add academic year.
You can manage section. You have to go System Setting > Section. You can add new section, edit & delete.
Administrator can manage holiday. You have to go System Setting > Holiday. You can add new holiday, edit & delete. It will show in dashboard calendar.
Administrator can edit & delete. It will show in dashboard calendar.
You can seletect sms sender service provider
Clickatell SMS Platform is a powerful, fully scalable communication system that enables you to manage your business communication more effectively. With an infrastructure covering over 220 territories and 1 000+ networks, your business can now connect with customers in every corner of the world.
You can send sms to the students, teachers, & parents. You have to purchase package for sending message. There are two already implemented.
You can edit weekend.
If you want to set satureday is weekend day, then you have to edit that day and checked as weekend and update your data.
You can add multiple languages. Select language and add into system.
You can make it default. After making default, system will converted into default language
You can setup your custom language
You can change phrases according to your language
You can create backup from your system, You can also resote data from your local pc.
You can create all images backup from your system, You can also download into your local PC for safety.
You can create whole system backup.
You can also create database backup and download, restore, and delete
If update version is available, then you can upgrade from here.
Super admin can add dormitory Rooms which should have to include dormitory name, room number, room type, bed number and it's cost.
In the dormitory room list, super admin can able to edit and delete the dormitory room information.
For adding dormitory super admin need to add dormitory name,type and how much allotment are possible in this dormitory.
Edit and delete option are permitted for super admin.
Which kinds of rooms are available in the dormitory, super admin can add this.
Super admin can edit and delete the room type list.
For searching student dormitory list class, section and dormitory name should have to select.
This module has 3 sections -
First we will add Routes then add Vehicles then Assign Vehicle on Routes then check Student Transport Report.
Routes- Go to Transport > Routes enter Route Title, Fare & click Save button. All the routes can be see right side at this page.
Go to Transport > Vehicles enter Vehicle No, Vehicle Model, Year Made, Driver Name, Driver License, Driver Contact, Note & click Save button. All the vehicles can be see right side at this page. Student Transport Report- Go to Student Information > Student Transport Report here you can view all students list who has availed transport facility.
To add item category super admin should add category name. By Clicking Select in action column super admin can get the option of delete and edit.
In Item List Submodule, to submit an item need to add item name, select an item category which is added in item category submodule.
Super admin can edit and delete the item list.
Store name is essential for adding item store and store number is the identity of the store.
Super admin can edit and delete the item store.
For adding supplier, supplier's company name, name, mobile number, email address is needed to submit.
Super admin can edit and delete the supplier list.
At first select supplier which is come from the supplier list that is added by super admin. Select the available store or warehouse which also added by super admin in the item store submodule. Then need to add the reference number, receive date.
After that select the item from the item list which is listed in item list submodule, put it's unit price, quantity. Sub total will show the individual item's total price. After adding all sub total the final result will be shown.
If check the full paid option no due will be shown. If not, then put the amount in total paid field. If it's meet up the total due will zero, if not then due or surplus amount will show in the total due field. Payment method can also be selected in this operation.
By just clicking the add button, new item will be added in the calculation process.
In the item receive list paid or unpaid status is shown. If payment is complete then the status show paid, if not then show unpaid
In this list, view purchase details, edit and delete the list, if unpaid then add payment and view payment are included in action.
By clicking the new item receive button, easily can add a new item receive.
To see the purchase receipt, just click the view option in the action column for individual item receive then can possible to see the purchase detail information.
If any amount of due remains then we can complete the payment by clicking the add payment in the action column. After that we can fill up the payment through a particular payment method.In this case of operation reference number should be added.
In the item sell list paid or unpaid status is shown. If payment is complete then the status show paid, if not then show unpaid
Action column in this list, super admin can able to see sell details in view option, edit and delete the list and if unpaid then able to add payment and view payment.
By clicking the new item sell button, easily can add a new item's sell information.
At first select the person who buy the item, whom are added by super admin. Then need to add the reference number, receive date of selling.
After that select the item from the item list which is listed in item list submodule, put it's unit price, quantity. Sub total will show the individual item's total price. After adding all sub total the final result will be shown.
If check the full paid option no due will be shown. If not, then put the amount in total paid field. If it's meet up the total due will zero, if not then due or surplus amount will show in the total due field. Payment method can also be selected in this operation. After done the submission the sell information will be listed in item sell list.
Which item is issued for which person should have to add in the begin of the form. For Submission which kind of user,his name and if he is studentthen his class,section also mandatory. Issue and return date, item category, item name and it's quantity should have to submit before final submission.
After submission the issued item list is shown here. If super admin wants, he can return the issued item. Status will show which item is issued and return.
Super admin can add book which is available in the library. For adding book, book title, category, subject is mandatory. For proper book details information need to fill up all the field in this form.
If Super admin wants he can add new book category in this submodule. All the book category list is shown in Category list.
Super admin can add new library member. In this case member type and member id is necessary to fill up.
Library member lists are shown in member list. Super admin can cancel the member if he wants.
All the members of the library are shown in this list. Where super admin can issue or return book/books to him.
By clicking the Issue/Return Books super admin can able to issue book to the library member and if want he can return book.
By selecting book name or book id or subject super admin can see the issued book list.
Super admin can see all the notices which is select for.
super admin can add new notice by clicking the add notice button.
To add new notice at first type the notice title, then write the message content. Notice date and publication date should have to select. Select the notice viewer in the message to section.
By clicking the Notice board button in the top-right then can able to go notice board list.
Super admin can send email or sms by checking in send through check box. Title and description is also mandatory field.
If he wants to send this to several receiver then he can select several receiver in the group section.
If he wants to send this to individual receiver or certain role receiver then he can select role of the receiver and select the name or names in the individual section.
If he wants to send this to particular class students then he can select a class and certain section in the class section.
All the email and sms which is send that are listed here. If wants to send new email or sms then just click the Send Email/Sms button.
In the list, email or sms receiver list are shown. This are group, individual and class.
To add homework, class, section, subjects, date, submission date, marks and description are needed to submit.
In the action column, evaluation, edit and delete options are include.
To search homework list, class, section, subject are needed to select.
By clicking the add homework super admin can add new homework.
Super admin can evaluate the homework by clicking the evaluation option in action column.In evaluation homework, students are evaluated by marks, comments, homework status.
Evaluation date should have to select before evaluation page submit.
To search homework evaluation report, class, section, subjects should have to select.
Homework evaluation report list are show the search result. By clicking view option full evaluation of a particular home can be seen.
To search homework evaluation report, class, section, subjects should have to select.
Homework evaluation report list are show the search result. By clicking view option full evaluation of a particular home can be seen.
Select class and section for searching assigned subjects for particular class and it's individual section.
In this list, particular subjects and it's assigned course teachers are shown. If assign new subjects just click the right-top assign Subject button.
For assign subjects list, search by selecting the class and section.
For assign subject select the teacher in the teacher section.By clicking the delete button, subject will be deleted.By clicking the save button the subjects will assigned.
For assigning class routine, class, section and teachers should have to select. The Assigned class teacher list will show in the Class Teacher List. Here teacher list can be edited and deleted.
To add subject, the subject name,the subject code should be added and check the theory or practical which type of subject is it.
Subject list can be edited and deleted by the super admin.
To add Class, the class name and section or sections should be added.
Class list can be edited and deleted by the super admin.
To add section, the section name should be added.
Section list can be edited and deleted by the super admin.
To add class room, room number and capacity should be added.
Class room list can be edited and deleted by the super admin.
To add time, time type, period, start and ending time should be added.
Time list can be edited and deleted by the super admin.
Super admin can add examination name. He has been allowed to edit and delete the examination name.
By clicking the Exam Setup button super admin can enter the exam setup page.
To exam setup, firstly select the class or classes then select the corresponding section or sections,secondly select the particular subjects or subject then select the exam type. Total mark of the particular exam should have to setup in the exam mark field.
To distribute the exam marks, We have to identify the how much marks in which exam category, like written exam has 70, class test has 20, homework has 10 and the total marks will show in Total field. The marks can't cross the exam marks.
In the exam list, exam's all information are shown in details. Super admin can delete the exam list.
By Clicking the right-top button add exam schedule super admin enter the exam setup schedule page.
To search the exam schedule super admin have to select the exam name, class and section. The assigned exam routine is shown in the exam schedule section.
After clicking the add exam schedule button super will enter Exam Schedule create page. In this page, by selecting the exam name, class and section super admin will get the set exam schedule section.
To assign exam schedule just click the (+) symbol, then super admin will get the create exam routine modal.
If any exam schedule is assigned then the assigned exam schedule is shown in this list.
just select the date and the room number super admin can setup the exam routine for particular subject in particular date and time.
In the mark register submodule, super admin can see the mark registered list by searching through selecting the exam name,class and section. By clicking the right-top button add button super admin can enter the fills marks page.
To search the certain fill up marks list, super admin have to select exam name, class, section and subject.
In the Fill up marks lists, All the particular mark sections are included like class test marks, homework marks, written exam etc. If anyone was absent in the examination then just check the is absent. After distribute all marks by submit the save button then marks will be registered.
By clicking the exam attendance button, super admin can able to enter the exam attendance setup page.
To search the certain exam attendance have to select the exam name, class, section and subject.
Exam attendance list will show the the search result. in this list, attendance column will show which student was present or absent in this particular exam.
To get the desire exams attendance setup section just select the exam name, class, section and subject. in this attendance setup section, super admin can check the absent or present option button.
To add certain mark's grade,super admin need to add grade name,it's GPA, percentage range etc.
Super admin can edit and delete the grade list.
To add question, super admin have to include the question group name.
Super admin can edit and delete the question group list.
To add question, super admin have to include the question group name.
Super admin can edit and delete the question group list.
To add question bank,super admin need to select question group,class, section, question type, question name and it's marks.
Super admin can edit and delete the question bank list.
To add online exam, exam title, class, section, subjects, date, start and end time, minimum percentage and the exam's instruction.
In the online exam list, publication status will show the examination is published or pending
Manage question, mark register, edit and delete can allow for super admin in the action column.
After clicking the manage question option,super admin can enter the question list page where admin can save the question for particular online examination.
Super admin can see the details of the selected question.
In this modal,Super admin can see the details of the selected question.
Super admin can see the marks setup list of the participant, super admin can add exam mark of the individual.
In this submodule, apply leave lists are shown. Here which leave is approved or not yet that are shown in the status column.
In this Action column, view/edit and delete options are includes.
In this modal, super admin can see the detail and he change the approve status if he wants.
In this list, super admin can see his remaining days of leave, extra taken leave and the total days for a particular leave type.
Super admin can the apply leave, by adding the date, leave type, which date to which date, the reason etc.
The leave list will show all the leaves which is available.In this list, view/edit and delete options are includes in action column.
By adding the role, leave type and the days super admin can able to define the leave.
The leave define list is shown all the defined leaves.In this list, edit and delete options are includes in action column.
By adding the Type name and the total days super admin can able to add the leave type.
The leave type list is shown all the leaves type.In this list, edit and delete options are includes in action column.
To search the staff list,staff roles or staff id or staff name have to select.
In the action column in this list, super admin can view staff details, edit and delete the records.
By clicking the add staff button, super can enter the add staff page.
To add a staff, basic info, payroll, bank info, social links and necessary documents have to include.
Staff has several types of information. His profile is one of them. In his profile all the personal information are shown.
By Clicking the right-top button edit, possible to enter in edit staff details page.If wants can easily edit the staff records.
Payroll information of a particular staff are shown in this page.
How much and which documents are downloaded in his profile are shown here.
Timeline information of a particular staff are shown in this page.
To search the staff attendance list, role and date should have to select.
If the selected day is holiday,then by checking the mark holiday button, the day will be marked as holiday.
After selecting the all the functionalities, just click the save attendance button and the attendance will be recorded.
To search the staff attendance report,select the role, month and the year. In this list full month attendance record of a particular staff are shown.
For searching the staff payroll list, just select the role,month and the year.
Staff payroll list show the search result. In this list, payroll status show payroll is generated or not. If not then just clicking the generate payroll super admin can enter the generate payroll page.
In the generate payroll page, earning, deductions, payroll summary should have to full up when generate payroll.
For searching the staff payroll report list, just select the role, month and the year.
Staff payroll report list show the search result. In this list, payroll's all the information of staff are shown.
For searching the Profit list, select the certain date range means which date to date wants to see the profit list.
profit list show the searched time's income, expense and profit list.
To add income information income source name, account head, payment method, date and amount should have to include.
Edit and delete are includes in the action column in this list.
To add expense information, expense source name, account head, payment method, date and amount should have to include.
Edit and delete are includes in the action column in this list.
To search the income or expense select certain date,select income or expense and select the income/expense name.
Search result are shown in this list. Where individual information and grand total are shown.
To add chart of account, account head and account type should have to include.
Edit and delete are includes in the action column in this list.
To add payment method, method name should have to include.
Edit and delete are includes in the action column in this list.
To add bank account, account name, opening balance should have to include.
Edit and delete are includes in the action column in this list.
To add fees group, name is required. The fees group represents which kinds of fees should have to pay by students.
In the fees group list, edit and delete is available.
To add fee, fee name, fee amount, fee group are required. The fee represents how much fee for student in which purpose.
Edit and delete are includes in the action column in this list.
To create quotation, super admin have to choose the student first.
By clicking the search, super admin can enter the create quotation page. Where show the student information and super admin can able to add the fees.
To search payment, super admin have to select one of those attributes: Status, Class, Academic year, or not the list will show all of payment .
In the action column, view/send notice options are available.
After clicking view the information of that payment will show.
At the option column, pay and extend option are available.
Super admin can extend the payment by choosing new due date and press submit.
By clicking the pay option, super admin will get the payment page. Where admin can input the amount payment and payment method. The balance will change and if the balance equals zero the status will change unpaid to paid .
To upload content, content type, available for which kinds of person, date the file you want to upload.
The uploaded content are listed in upload content list. In this list, user can delete and download the content.
The uploaded assignment will be shown in the assignment list.
Delete and download options are available in the action column.
The uploaded study material will be shown in the study material list.
Delete and download options are available in the action column.
The uploaded syllabus will be shown in the syllabus list.
Delete and download options are available in the action column.
The uploaded other download materials will be shown in the other download list.
Delete and download options are available in the action column.
For importing new student, super admin have to click the import student button.
For adding new student, super admin have to fill up all the major and pros and cons information. In this case, if new student has any sibling then super admin can able to add the sibling by clicking Add Parents button.
Who will take the responsibility that have to include in this form. Before admin super admin have to specify the relation with the student.
After adding all the information correctly then super admin can able to add the new student by clicking the save student button.
Before import new student information, by clicking the download sample file, super admin can download the sample student information excel file.
For import external information file, super admin have to select the class, section and attach the excel file.
Students can be imported from a csv file for adding multiple students at a time. Form the admin panel, under the menu student information, you can get a sub menu 'Student Admission'.
Admitting new students to the school can be done from ‘admit student’ submenu under ‘student’ in the navigation. For adding a student, admin will need to fill up the information required and provided by the admission form. It should be kept in mind that, admitting new student will automatically create an enrollment in the running session for the selected class. Check and recheck the information you have inserted while adding student because once you admit him/her to a class, you will not be able to change his/her class without promoting him/her to the next session.
Clicking there will lead you to a new page. The method of importing is cited on that page. Follow those to successfully import students using a csv file.
To add a new student, just click the right-top add click button.
For searching the individual student have to select the class, section, student name or student roll id. By selecting the class and it's section can able to see the particular section's student list.
In the list, view student's detail information,edit and delete are included in action column.
By clicking the view option in action column, super admin can enter the student's details information page. Where he can able to see the student's details information in different classification.
Sibling information is also included in this student detail information page.
Student information is classified in different section, student profile is one of them. All the personal information are shown in this student profile section.
If wants, it's possible to edit the student information by clicking the top-rightedit button.
All the particular student fees information are shown in this portion.
All the particular student all the document information are shown in this document portion.
All the particular student's timeline information are shown in this timeline portion.
Add timeline option is available in the timeline page.
To search the student attendance, class, section and the attendance date. Daily attendance is shown on the menu class wise. For taking or viewing attendance for a particular class, firstly admin will need to select the date and the section which will bring the attendance managing form for that class section for that particular date.
If the searched day is holiday then super admin can able to mark the day as holiday by check the mark holiday button.
Super admin can able to add attendance students. If anyone absent then check the absent, if present then check the present. Late and half day also can be checked.
To search the student attendance report, class, section, month and year should have to select.
The search result will show in this report. If wants to see the individual students attendance then just click on the '+' symbolic button then see the all the days of a month report.
For adding student category, student type have to added.
super admin can able to edit and delete the student category list.
For adding student group, student group name have to added.
super admin can able to edit and delete the student group list.
To search student promote list, year and class have to select.
In the promote student in next session, After selecting the pass or fail, super admin have to select the promote session and promote class.
This module is designed to promote students of a particular class to the next class in the next session. ‘Student Promotion’ submenu will be found under the menu ‘student’ in the admin panel. To promote students to the next class, admin needs to select the present class of the students and the class where he/she wants to promote the students. The present session which has been already set from the system settings will be selected automatically as the present session and the next session will be automatically calculated by the software.
To search the disabled student list,class is required and if need to find the individual then the section, name and roll is needed.
In the disabled students list, super admin can view, edit and delete the list item.
To search the student report, have to select the class,section, student type, gender.
The search result is shown in student report list. Here student's all the major information are shown.
To search the guardian report, have to select the class, section.
The search result is shown in guardian report list. Here student's guardian all the major information are shown.
For searching the student history, super admin have to select the class and admission year.
The search result is shown in student history list. Here student history are shown.
To search the student login report, have to select the class, the current section.
The search result is shown in student login report list. Here student can reset his password and his guardian as well.
For searching the student fees statement report, have to select the class, section, student name.
The search result is shown in student fees statement report list. Here, student's fees which are paid already and if has any discount that are also shown.
For searching the student balance fees report, have to select the class, section.
The search result is shown in student balance fees report list. Here student's amount, discount, fine, paid fees, balance statement are shown.
Grand total is shown one section's amount, discount, fine, paid fees, balance total statement
For searching the student balance fees report, have to select from from date to date to.
Fees collection detail list show particular date duration's fees collection information.
Income result list show particular date duration's income detail information. Grand total show the total amount of income.
Expense result list show particular date duration's expense detail information.Grand total show the total amount of expense
For searching the class report, have to select class and it's section name.
This report show the particular class's summary. Here includes class information, subjects, type of fees collection.
This graphical statistic represents the particular class's fees collection statement.
For searching the class routine, have to select class and it's section name.
The search result is shown in class routine report list. Here full week's per period assigned classes are shown.
For searching the exam routine, have to select examination name.
The search result is shown in exam routine report list. Here particular exam's full routine are shown.
By selecting the teacher name, super admin can see the particular teacher's class routine.
In this class routine, individual teacher's full week assign class are listed.
To see the particular section of a class, have to select the exam name, class name, section.
Search result are shown the a class all student's merit list. Here, in ascending order of student position, lists are shown. Individual subject's mark, grade also inclued in this list.
You can search online exam report. Search fields are exam term, class, and section
After searching the result view list are shown
You can search tabulation sheet report. Searching fields are Exam type Id, Class, Section and student.
After searching tabulation sheet, the tabulation sheet are shown in below.
You can search student progress report
After searching you can find student progress report list.
You can search student fine report form between two date
After searching you can find student fine report list.
This is onl for administrator, he can see the user loging history so that he can understand which user is active or not.
Student can see his Profile,fees statement,examination,document and timeline.the profile includes personal information,parent,transport,dormitory, other information and so on.
Fees statement lists are shown and if fees are not paid yet then student is able to pay his fees through Paypal and Stripe.
Class routine are shown here. Class routine module has the capability to set routines section wise for a particular class. Admin can add, edit or delete any class routine and there is a print button associated with every class routine for printing
Homework list with complete and incomplete status are shown.
Student can see the homework's full detail view in the action section.
Administrator/accountant can search to show their collecting fees from the student
To collect fees, click here.
You can add fees or print data.
You can add fees fro here. There are four fields are required those are amount,discount group, discount & fine. There are three type of payment method has given. After giving all information of fees, then submit.
Student can search the student attendance.
In this section attendance results are shown. Attendance result show the certain month attendance which is remarked by present(P),late(L),absent(A),Half Day(H) and Holiday(F)
Student can see his result.
For exam schedule, student can search here.
Exam routine are shown here.
Which exams are active that are shown here.
Student can take examination if they want.
After completion of online exam, student can submit his exam answer.
Our system will help you to backup & restore your system. If you want to upload your database, then you can do it. But uploaded file must be sql file. Without sql file you can't upload it.
You can make whole image backup and download image as zip format.
You can make whole full system backup and download as zip format. After downloading, you should delete system backup file from server.
You can take database backup and download.
You can download from here
You can restore your backup
You can delete your backup
All the notice are listed here for student's acknowledgement.
Assigned Subjects are listed here.Student can see those.
Course teacher listed here.
All Books which are available in the library are shown here.
Which books are issued for this student are shown here.
Student can see the transport routes with vehicle and also can see which are assigned for.
Full details of transport route are shown here.
Dormitory and it's room information with which room is assigned for the student is listed here.
Parent Can See the Selected Student's Profile.
Administrator/Teachers can add homework for their students. After adding homework, students will get notification of their system panel.
Administrator/Teachers can search homework for their students homework
Administrator/Teachers can add homework for their students
Here Teachers can create Homework for their Class-Section. After creating homework teachers can evaluate homework for class-section students that who has completed homework or not completed. First we will Add Homework then we will evaluate homework. Homework- Go to Homework > Add Homework Here you can see all previously created homework and search them different criteria.
Parent Can See the particular student's fees statement,fees status which is paid or not.
The action includes two online payment options such as Paypal and Stripe.
Parent can see the class routine of the particular student.
Administrator/Teachers can set Class Routine
If class period is empty, then at first you have to class period. You can also modify class period.
If weekend is empty, then at first you have to weekend. You can also modify weekend.
To set class routine, you have to select subject, teacher, and room number. Please see how to add subject , teacher , and room number
You can go add a student from here.
You can search student list
You can view, edit, delete of the student.
Parent can see the student's homework list.
Particular homework view in the action option.
To set assign subject, you have to select subject, teacher, and room number. Please see how to add subject , teacher.
Administrator will able to search assign subject.
Parent can search the student attendance.
In this section attendance results are shown.Attendance result show the certain month attendance which is remarked by present(P),late(L),absent(A),Half Day(H) and Holiday(F)
Parent can see the notice list which is selected for parents.
Parent can see which subjects are assigned.
Parent can see the teachers list whom are assigned.
Parent can see the transport route and assigned vehicle.
Dormitory list and assigned dormitory are seen in this module.